Vitality ConcertThis permanent performance program is presented by ‘Citizens Hall Artists’ who are selected by audition. Every day at noon diverse genres of arts performances and concerts including music, theater, and mime are presented at the Vitality Concert.
※ Who are Citizens Hall Artists? Citizens Hall Artists are selected by audition. Currently, some fifty teams of citizen artists are active. Any citizen who is interested in becoming a ‘Citizens Hall Artist’ can apply for an open audition.
Baseurak ConcertOn the third Saturday of each month, special performances are given by outstanding Citizens Hall Artists. The Baseurak Concert is open to anyone who wants to attend. Prior application is available at the Citizens Hall home page.
Citizens GalleryThe Citizens Gallery organizes special exhibitions and general exhibitions of diverse genres of art including paintings, sculptures, installation art, and media. The gallery also serves as a citizen-participatory space offering experience programs related to the exhibitions.
Sound GalleryThis gallery focuses on exhibitions related to sound art under the theme of Seoul City or citizens’ messages. Citizens can appreciate sound contents collected and transmitted by a surround sound recording system (5.1 channel) via powerful speakers.